The most advanced technologies for the most accurate diagnosis


No reservation needed.
10:00 am - 10:00 pm
All Week
Remove any jewelry, eyeglasses, and other metals from around your head. This includes necklaces and earrings.


At Dokki Scan, we specialize in offering accurate occlusal radiography services that provide detailed images of the jaw to ensure precise diagnosis for our valued patients. Our dedicated team of skilled radiologists utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and advanced techniques to capture high-resolution images that aid in identifying dental issues with exceptional clarity. With a focus on precision and reliability, we aim to deliver top-notch occlusal radiography services that exceed expectations and contribute to better healthcare outcomes.

Comprehensive and Detailed Jaw Imaging

Experience excellence in occlusal radiography services at Dokki Scan, where our experts are committed to delivering comprehensive and detailed jaw imaging results. By leveraging the latest technology and adhering to industry best practices, our radiologists guarantee accurate assessments that enable effective treatment planning. Whether you require specific diagnostic information or routine screenings, our team is well-equipped to provide you with the critical insights necessary for optimal oral health. Schedule your appointment today at Dokki Scan and benefit from our expertise in occlusal radiography services that prioritize precision and patient care.

We also have examinations for Dental other View and Ortho File, in our Dental Examination.


Diagnostic Tests For A Complete
Assessment Of Your Health Condition

Contact us now and we will be happy to help you.